
SPEAR (Systems for Performance, Energy, And Resiliency) Lab
The team conducts research spanning multiple areas of high-performance computing (HPC). Our mission is to unify systems and AI, where we are committed to creating software systems to expedite AI applications (Sys4AI) and exploring advanced AI technologies to tackle critical research challenges in computer systems (AI4Sys).
Keywords: high-performance computing (HPC), parallel and distributed systems, system software, energy efficiency, digital twins, resource management and scheduling, data analysis and visualization, interconnect networking and communication, resilience
[PhD RAship/TAship] Multiple openings are available in the SPEAR Lab. If interested, please email your CV and transcript(s) to zlan AT uic.edu and/or papka AT uic.edu. Heading link
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AIMCI project funded by NSF
The project aims to design and evaluate an AI-guided framework named AIMCI (Artificial Intelligence for Managing CyberInfrastructure) for coordinating resource management within HPC facilities.
Tachyon Project funded by DOE
The project, Tachyon: Intelligent Multi-Scale Modeling of Distributed Resilient Infrastructure and Workflows for Data Intensive HEP Analyses (DOE), runs through August 2028, and involves five institutions: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Argonne National Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, University of Illinois Chicago, and University of California at Davis. Each institution received an equal share of funding, with a total budget of $7.5 million. [UIC CS News]
C2 the P2 Program
Exciting traineeship program for students in either Computer Science or High Energy Physics under the tutelage of distinguished faculty and scientists. Check program link.
Chicago Women in HPC
Excited to join and support the mission of Chicago Women in HPC! Check CWHPC link.
ACM SIGSIM-PADS PhD Colloquium Best Paper Award
Congratulations to PhD student Matthew Dearing, who received the 38th ACM SIGSIM-PADS PhD Colloquium Best Paper Award for his work “Deep Learning Surrogate Models for Network Simulation” June 2024.
GCASR Workshop at UIC
The 11th Greater Chicago Area Systems Research Workshop (GCASR) was successfully held at UIC on May 2, 2024. Professors Papka and Lan were workshop general chairs, and the SPEAR lab presented ten research posters! Check GCASR program.
SPEAR Lab (new location)
SPEAR Lab has been moved from Illinois Institute of Technology to University of Illinois Chicago in August 2023.
Responsible & Sustainable AI at IEEE WISC'23
Zhiling was a panelist, along with scientists/researchers from IBM, Meta, and MSR, to discuss responsible and sustainable AI at IEEE WISC (Women In Services Computing) 2023 [link]
ACM SIGSIM-PADS'23 Best Short Paper Award
Elkin’s paper has been selected as the best short paper at IPADS’23. This is a joint work between RPI, ANL, and UIC/Illinois Tech.
Ph.D. Defense
Congratulations to Xin Wang for successfully defending her PhD thesis in August 2023!
Ph.D. Defense
Congratulations to Boyang Li for successfully defending his PhD thesis in July 2023!
Ph.D. Defense
Congratulations to Yao Kang for successfully defending his PhD thesis in November 2022!
SC'22 Paper
Our paper “Mitigating Network Contention with Intelligent Routing” was accepted by SC’22. Congrats to Yao!
Cluster'22 Paper
Our paper “MRSch: Multi-Resource Scheduling for HPC” was accepted by Cluster’22. Congrats to Boyang!